Get Checked – Early Breast Cancer Detection Saves Lives

According to the American Cancer Society, yearly mammograms and clinical breast exams for women age 40 and older are key to detecting breast cancer early.  This serves not only a reminder to myself but to all my sisters, friends and co-workers who must take a proactive approach to their own health and get checked.   Recently, I spent some time with a dear friend of mine who was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer.  Her cancer was detected early because of a  mammogram.   This diagnosis came as a shock to my friend but she was relieved to know she did her part to get it diagnosed early and receive the treatment she needs to get her on the road to recovery.   Before my friend went on sick leave last week,  I shared my experience and gave my friend advice as a sister of a cancer survivor.   My friend is currently undergoing radiation for the next three months  and I will continue to give her my support because during hard times, you need a strong support system.  In honor of my dear friend, is featuring its Get Checked t-shirts to remind all women that  Early Breast Cancer Detection Saves Lives.    Visit our full line of breast cancer awareness apparel and gifts at our Breast Cancer Shop.